티스토리 뷰


Target: Themida & WinLicense
Author: Computer_Angel
version 0.8 - 2009.04.10

Thanks to:
+ the CUG Team Members (fxyang,fly, okodo … etc) - the base flow of script
+ 4VN Group
+ REA Team

ver 0.8
+ Fix case 8930 mov dword ptr [eax], esi
ver 0.7
+ Support wl 2010
+ Fix case 8938 mov dword ptr [eax], edi
+ Fix bug IAT
ver 0.6
+ Support wl 1990
+ Fix bug in non-emulation api
ver 0.5
+ Support wl 1855,1900,1910,1920,1930,1940
+ Improve speed
ver 0.4
+ Optimize code
+ Fix bug when one ore moe import DLL : USER32 , KERNEL32, ADVAPI32 not used in protected program
ver 0.3
+ Fix flow for wl 1961,1950
ver 0.2
+ Optimize flow, support emulate/non emulate api
+ Stop at OEP
ver 0.1
+ Draft version for wl 1960 , just for emulate api

Things to improve:
+ Optimize the iat recover speed ??? Maybe inline asm will help
+ Support the prev version (<1855)
+ OEP Recover ???
