티스토리 뷰

REA-TEAM - www.reaonline.net
Filename : Obsidium 1.3.x.x Unpacking Script.txt
Author : Unregistered !
Target : 1.3.x.x (Tested on Obsidium v1.3.5.5, v1.3.6.1, v1.3.6.3)
OS : Tested on XP SP2
Date : 04-November-2008
Credit :
* Special thanks Computer_Angel for “Obsidium IAT Fixer” script
Description :
* I have modified Computer_Angel’s Script to fix some Emulated API and some bugs…
Environment :
* OllyDBG 1.10 : Igrone All Exception
* OllyAdvance 1.26 beta 12 or higher :
+ Anti-Debug : Kill Anti-Attach + UnhandledExceptionFilter + Process32Next + Module32Next + CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
+ Anti-Debug2 : IsDebuggerPresent
* Phantom 1.30 or higher :
+ Hide from PEB
+ Protect DRx
+ Patch ODBGString & FPU bugs
+ Hook BlockInput
+ Hook GetTickCount
+ Remove EP break
+ Custom handler exceptions
+ Change Olly caption
