티스토리 뷰

Reversing tools/올리 플러그인

MagicHideOllyDbg 1.00

Reverser - J.M.C - 2008. 11. 21. 19:12

This plug-in from key stakeholders method heXer, shoooo, loveboom, simonzh2000 that procedure, Thank you!
This version is the reverse from, I do not have access to source code, only just a convenience we do not have other means, above all very sorry ~ ~ ~!
Tip: this version and kanxue big HideOD have in common, let us not repeat ^ ^ _ so as not to influence each other! No need to bring the trouble ~ ~!

1.00 update:
In kanxue greatly on the basis of a new hidden, you can easily use other types of hidden (can not say the specific, we will try out), this still could not escape the latest version of themida testing, we hope to give the test 1.8 I .5 is the latest in the hands of escape (the actual HideOD, can be a long, and methods from HideOD, so of course there is no problem !^_^)。

will be tested again in the hope that we can better luck, or my luck, and the related increase in the number of settings, to share with you!

Thank you for your support for the snow to see ~ ~!
-By EasyStudy For snow to see the development of tools group

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DataRipper 1.3  (0) 2008.11.21
HideOD v0.182  (0) 2008.11.21
StrongOD v0.18  (0) 2008.10.31
Games Invader + Games Invader_kor  (1) 2008.09.05
PhantOm.plugin.1.30  (0) 2008.07.08