티스토리 뷰

Reversing tools/올리 플러그인


Reverser - J.M.C - 2009. 1. 17. 13:33

X_CRYPTO allows you to calculate common hash (file and string) and encoding. For string (input can be string or hex):

MD2/4/5 - SHA1/256/384/512 - HAVAL128 -TIGER128 - RIPEMD 128/160 - CRC32,CRC32B - ADLER32 - GOST

Encode/Decode Base64 , Base32 , Base16, Base2

For file:

MD 2/4/5- SHA1/256/384/512 - HAVAL128/160/192/224/256 - TIGER128/160/192- RIPEMD 128/160 - CRC32,CRC32B - ADLER32 - GOST

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